Scared to See a Psychic?

“I’m Afraid the You’ll Tell Me Something Bad!!”

During a friendly conversation with 2 guys years ago, I shared that part of my occupation was being a psychic medium.  One of the men immediately and loudly bellowed, “I’m afraid you’ll tell me something bad if I come see you!” The poor guy! I understood his concern and reassured him that I only share information in a positive manner, and that I wouldn’t do anything like tell him someone he loved would die the next day, or anything wildly upsetting like that. You may be wondering how I know I won’t receive such tidings. I have my methods……You may also think that perhaps someone could benefit from knowing such knowledge, and I am going to share why I block it. 

Continue reading “Scared to See a Psychic?”

What Happens When You Ignore Your Spirit Guides? A Tale of Woe

Yep, that is what will happen. You will get a tale of woe, all for you to kick yourself in the ass about. “Why didn’t I listen?” Indeed–why didn’t you? We will explore that question. But for now, onto my tale of woe.

Let us harken back to earlier this frosty winter, my friends. I USED to have an ankle-length down coat which zipped up clear to underneath my nose. So toasty warm it was, so durable, and so expensive (but I got it for a steal at Macy’s-we are talking a veritable mere pittance.) I was able to withstand frigid temperatures for long periods as I took care of my petsitting dogs, and it allowed me to wear shorts to the gym in the winter.  Bonus point! Continue reading “What Happens When You Ignore Your Spirit Guides? A Tale of Woe”

Ya Think Life Would Be Easier…..

Indeed. Seems like life would be a hell of a lot easier, smoother, etc and whatnot when a gal (or dude) can read energy. You know what to do! You hear guidance, as if perhaps Archangel Michael is blasting directions through a megaphone into your head. No willy nillying around, trying to make up your mind about your situation. Oh no, because you read energy!

It isn’t that simple. Like most counselors and other helping professionals, we are fabulous at doling out advice, but can’t always figure out what to do for ourselves. Some intuitives and psychics can’t even pick up information for themselves. I can, but at times, my attachment to the outcome boogers everything up. Why? Two words–attachment and should.

I have written endlessly about the nastiness of the words should and attachment. Both can cause a pecker load of trouble. Focusing on what we deem to be the best outcome, without allowing that another could be equally as beneficial, is indeed angst producing. And should. Doing what we think others want us to do, or what is the “right” thing to do, but not really taking into account what feels best,usually  winds up pooping on our parade in the long run.

So if making a decision is causing you trouble, do what I plan on doing. Write about it at length, talk to your friends and family, perhaps go see a counselor or psychic (or both), and then sit still with yourself and your version of spirit guides, God, Allah, whomever. It may take a while, but eventually, the answer will show itself.

How to Spot a Scamming Psychic

The other day I happened to spot this ad whilst I was out tra la la-ing about. Warning bells screeched in my mind as I finished reading it, and  I shook my head in disgust.  I knew that this would be the basis for a blog informing readers how to know when you have a stinker of a psychic in front of you.

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Gosh darn, where do I even begin with this? (Scratches head.)

I shall commence with the phrase “wishes and prayers answered.” Dear reader, only YOU, yes, YOU, can answer your own wishes and prayers. Yes, you can meditate, chant, pray, positively vibrate, etc., but you must do something in order for anything to occur–even if that something is merely a thought coupled with intention. Thoughts are some powerful little boogers, but that is a topic for another day. It boils down to the fact that absolutely no other human is going to answer your wishes and prayers in a way that absolves you of the responsibility of running your own show.

Continue reading “How to Spot a Scamming Psychic”

Part 2 of the Jocular Post, “How Do You Deal with Skeptics?”


So Wowsy Woosy!!! I had a fabulous conversation today and was simply compelled to write about it.

I asked a lady what she thought prompted folks to be skeptical about animal communication, psychic ability, etc. etc. blah blah blah. Her answer was amazeballs! I had NEVER even considered it for two seconds! It explained so much to me.

Continue reading “Part 2 of the Jocular Post, “How Do You Deal with Skeptics?””

As Count Chocula says, “Don’t Be Afraid!”

I finally got to have lunch on Wednesday with a super groovy chick I haven’t seen in a coon’s age. We  settled in at our patio table to await the arrival of our vittles, and I was busy wondering how she applied her liquid eyeliner so well. (The fashionista in me never sleeps–the ol’ broad is always on the lookout for cool clothes, sexy shoes, fun make up, etc.) My eyeliner musings were interrupted by: ” I’m afraid of you. I ‘m worried that you’re reading me.” One of the things I like about my pal is that she has massive lady balls the size of the Russian tundra. She doesn’t mince words. I was so glad she voiced her concern. I am sure many others may have that same thought as well when we meet. Allow me to put your mind at ease by sharing what I told her.

Hell no, I am not readin’ your ass when we meet. GAAHHHH!! Who would want all that information? I do not want to know the color of your undies, or if you are going commando that day. I do not want to know that you are mad enough at your partner to throttle his/her fanny because the damn slob won’t pick up after themselves. I do NOT want to know how much you are coveting your neighbor’s ass–literally. If any sexual information randomly meanders into my noodle, I slam the “CANCEL” button down on my intuitive control panel ASAP and yell,”TMI! TMI!” Could you just imagine how bat sh*t crazy I would be if I had the “crystal ball” turned on at all times? Hokey smokes! Talk about information overload.

Continue reading “As Count Chocula says, “Don’t Be Afraid!””