Was I Born This Way?

Some folks are born with all their psychic skills already booming and ready to go. They learn language and become mobile, BOOM!! Full-blown psychic medium right there, from the get-go.

Me, nah. At least I am not aware of it if I was. I reckon I should ask my Mumsy. Her memory, however, is just as shabby and flabby as mine….I will just share my version of the Annie Becomes Psychic Tale as I remember it currently.

Now, I was never considered a “normal ” child, at least by my peers. Beginning in 3rd grade, I constantly was assessed to be weird and labeled as such. I believe that was primarily because of my ability to laugh at damn near anything! And I do mean, damn near anything. I am still that way, thank goodness, and now my peeps refer to me as “unique.” I am also easily delighted. I saw baby geese with their parents this morning as I careened into the gym parking lot, and I had a total fit of hand-clapping, chortling, and general joyous outbursting. This happens every.time.I.see.baby.geese. So it was my laughter and delight which was “weird”, not my psychic abilities. Continue reading “Was I Born This Way?”

A Public Service Announcement from Your “DEAD” Loved Ones

Many moons ago, I penned a blog about what your dead pets would share with you if they could. My goodness, that has been popular! So, I thought the other day, what would our dead beloved humans want us to know? Read on to discover what I feel they would most want to tell you.

They would want you to know that when you sense them around you, you see signs of them (such as a blue butterfly or a cardinal), they hug you in a dream…..that is really them! So many people question if they are just nuttier than squirrel shit, or actually in the presence of their loved one. They are with you. Spirits have truly remarkable abilities to communicate and connect with us. My dad can turn on music boxes, my grandpa threw a camera in my bedroom once, and I occasionally smell cigarette smoke from my other grandfather. Continue reading “A Public Service Announcement from Your “DEAD” Loved Ones”

Why I Am a Psychic Medium, Etc.

As I pondered what on earth to write about today, I decided to glance through my old blogs to see what stone I had left unturned about me and my psychic world. There is a large doozy of a stone left unturned, and that is why I do what I do. What would make one want to ditch her hard-earned master’s degree and the career she was so excited about to do this instead? I have three answers: 1. Government policies 2. insurance companies. Number three shall show herself a little later in our blog. Continue reading “Why I Am a Psychic Medium, Etc.”

What is Animal Communication?

If you are a regular consumer of my blog, you will read the following and think for sure that I am plagiarizing. It is so serious! It is so…..normal?!?! But nay, I am not plagiarizing. I can write in a professional manner when necessary, and I needed to pen an article about animal communication to potentially be published in a local publication. So here it is! I wanted to share it on my blog because it so succinctly explains the ins and outs of animal communication. I am not a “pet psychic.” I don’t just read your pet’s energy; I actually have a full conversation with him or her, same as I do a human. The term animal communicator much better describes the service since actual interspecies dialogue occurs.

Perhaps you have heard of animal communication. It has become quite mainstream here in Indiana, and I am sure you understand the general idea. Animal communication—talking with animals, right? But what does that actually entail? Continue reading “What is Animal Communication?”

What Happens When You Ignore Your Spirit Guides? A Tale of Woe

Yep, that is what will happen. You will get a tale of woe, all for you to kick yourself in the ass about. “Why didn’t I listen?” Indeed–why didn’t you? We will explore that question. But for now, onto my tale of woe.

Let us harken back to earlier this frosty winter, my friends. I USED to have an ankle-length down coat which zipped up clear to underneath my nose. So toasty warm it was, so durable, and so expensive (but I got it for a steal at Macy’s-we are talking a veritable mere pittance.) I was able to withstand frigid temperatures for long periods as I took care of my petsitting dogs, and it allowed me to wear shorts to the gym in the winter.  Bonus point! Continue reading “What Happens When You Ignore Your Spirit Guides? A Tale of Woe”

Create a Laughing Matter

This dismal, gray, saggy time of year sucks the laughter out of many. Add the political maelstrom the U.S. is currently experiencing, and the ability to laugh really heads to hell in a hand basket. If that isn’t chapping your ass, then something else probably  is–a loved one diagnosed with cancer, your boss is an old bat (or bastard), etc, etc. If we allow it, life will drain us of our joy juice. Please don’t let that happen. Find some way to laugh. Even for a minute, if you can, or at least give it a shot.

When life is too frightening, too bewildering, the one thing we can always bank on is that laughter will make us feel better at least temporarily. It is like an IV of glee and glitter for your soul. Laughter is free. Snicker at some Three Stooges on Youtube, hang out with your bestie whose sense of humor is superb, listen to a laugh track…..whatever it takes! Can’t think of anything that could garner a guffaw right now? What used to make you laugh? How can you access that in the current moment?

Continue reading “Create a Laughing Matter”

When Shite Smites the Fan, Part 2

As I pondered my inspiration for this blog, a phrase from my Nicheren Buddhist practice popped into my brain. “Changing poison into medicine.” Same concept as making lemonade when Life hands ya a large bag of lemons, but with a twist: Sometimes we don’t know what is poison, and what is medicine. My topic isn’t about merely making the best of a bad situation–it is about viewing those lemons in an entirely different light. “Oh joy,” you think, “I am tired of being an old bitch (or bastard) today. What might this brilliant author (snort!!!) have to teach me?”

Continue reading “When Shite Smites the Fan, Part 2”

My Most Comical Moments as an Animal Communicator

Animal communication is a very rewarding to share with families. It is also hysterically funny at times. Here are some good giggles I have gotten over the years.

Having my tit mistaken for a squeaky toy ranks right up there! The dog was out of his wee marbles with bliss that we were going to talk, and also feeling anxious. As his stout body swirled in a circle next to me, attempting to climb onto my leg and slobber all over my head, he suddenly chomped down onto one of mine bosoms. I flopped back onto the couch and lost it cackling!

Continue reading “My Most Comical Moments as an Animal Communicator”

What It’s Like to Talk to a “Dead” Person With Me

We all grieve. If we are lucky enough to love, we gotta take the painful with the pleasant. Many folks would like to reconnect with their loved ones who have “bought the farm” (a small town euphemism for dying) , but are scared silly of what exactly will happen when they finally have that opportunity. Is my loved one going to be crabby at me because I wore something ugly to their funeral? Are they gonna ride my ass about the way I am living my life? Will they suddenly appear from the ethers and goose me? Nahhhhh….it’s pretty much a regular old conversation. Except–you are in your body, your loved one isn’t.

So here’s the scoop about what happens when you sit across from me, awaiting the connection to Grandma, the dog, whomever: First thing I do is spin my head around on my neck like a top and yak green pea soup all over the wall. JUST JOKING! Hollywood paints all things related to spirits as some horrifying, gruesome affair. They would be wrong.

Continue reading “What It’s Like to Talk to a “Dead” Person With Me”

How to Spot a Scamming Psychic, Part 2

Unfortunately, I felt compelled to pen a Part 2 on this topic. I want consumers to be well-educated on choosing a quality energy reader.

So here is what popped into my head since last week: the psychic should be able to provide extremely detailed information about you and your life. If they are continually stumbling along and acting like everything is hunky dory when they ain’t getting shit or shinola right, then ask them if they can read you. Continue reading “How to Spot a Scamming Psychic, Part 2”